Friday Open Comments

Welcome to the downhill slide into the weekend!

And speaking of downhill slides…

Obama’s Justice Department Obstructing Military Votes?

From Andrew Breitbart’s BigPeace web site:

Military ballots across the nation did not go out on time, and the Department of Justice is doing nothing about it, except telling an increasingly angry Congress they will take care of everything. Fox News is on the story.

It seems that there are multiple states that are in violation of federal law that gives deadlines when ballots should be sent overseas for the military to use for voting. Given what happened in the Bush/Gore election, where so many military ballots were invalidated for reasons that to me still make no sense at all, this smacks of an attempt to stifle the rights of those who put their lives on the line for this country to have their voices are heard.

Senator Cornyn had this to say:

“The information gathered by the MVP Project confirms the worst — that many counties and cities across the nation have failed to comply with the MOVE Act’s 45-day standard.  I have a hard time squaring this disturbing fact with the rosy assurances given to me by the DOJ.  There is now clear, public evidence that federal law is being violated in a way that could lead to massive disenfranchisement of our men and women in uniform.  The DoJ has no excuse but to take immediate action against these jurisdictions — each day of delay puts military voting rights at greater risk.”

The DOJ says not to worry – they are handling things.

Like they have handled the Black Panther voting rights case? It’s called the MOVE Act for a reason, and Holder should MOVE his “act”.

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October 2, 2010 7:38 am

#115 The “as far as I know” was accurate. The last time I did the homework (a year or so ago) Austin was the only major city saving money by taking advantage of the new option. Houston, San Antonio, and DFW were not. I know that Austin is doing it right. I do know that Houston is not. I have… Read more »

The Dude
October 2, 2010 6:16 am

TT, I just noticed from your spreadsheet that your LD has the same b-day as me. 10-23 was a good day to be born!

October 1, 2010 11:48 pm

I’ve looked for but have not found indications that HPD or agencies in the burbs surrounding Houston are choosing to ticket rather than arrest to any significant degree.

In other words, you don’t know. I don’t know either but at least I’m admitting it. Find some evidence otherwise you’re simply guessing.

October 1, 2010 10:36 pm

#113 Hamous, I do know, and so can you. Just read the newspaper reports of arrests for your neck of the woods and others, and compare the number of people hauled to jail for possessing a stupid plant to the number of arrests in Austin for the same “crime.” Adjust for population if you like, but you’ll still find that… Read more »

October 1, 2010 10:12 pm

If you can show me that Houston or any other metropolitan law enforcement agency other than Austin is opting to ticket rather than arrest to a significant degree, I’d be delighted to see it and very encouraged as a result. Sure. I can do that when you can draw a picture of the elephant not standing next to me. I’m… Read more »

October 1, 2010 10:05 pm

#83 Hamous As far as I know I’m the only one in Houston that pours milk over his corn flakes. If you can show me that Houston or any other metropolitan law enforcement agency other than Austin is opting to ticket rather than arrest to a significant degree, I’d be delighted to see it and very encouraged as a result.… Read more »

October 1, 2010 9:59 pm

LCHS 30, C-LHS 6

October 1, 2010 9:21 pm

LCHS 4th & 5 fake punt. 30yd gain. TD a couple plays later.

30-6 LCHS

October 1, 2010 9:00 pm

Lakes fumbled the 2nd half kickoff on their 35 then recovered it and ran it in for a TD.


24-6 LCHS

October 1, 2010 9:00 pm

#105 – Well DOH!™

Here I sit with a Blackberry er Crackberry and it’s never occurred to me to blog with it – now you can BET I pull up radar when I’m out and about on ‘Gracie’! (well worth a buck a day)

October 1, 2010 8:50 pm

#103 kf

October 1, 2010 8:45 pm

#83 hamonator
Lite beer & corn flakes – the breakfast of ex-champions

October 1, 2010 8:27 pm

WB dang you take a lappytop to a HS football game?

Well ah nevah……………

October 1, 2010 8:22 pm

Langham Creek over Cypress Lakes 24-0 at the half.

October 1, 2010 8:18 pm

#96 Darren, and that happened while the plant is prohibited, therefore, the plant should remain prohibited? Seriously, how illogical can you get? Back in my radio days my future wife and I were sharing an apartment with another DJ and his gal. He worked 6-10PM, I was doing 10-2AM, his gal worked evenings, and mine worked days. It was a… Read more »

October 1, 2010 7:59 pm

Hammy guess who’s playin down at Bacliff (or whatever little burg they name it) on 10/15?

Johnny Winter at 18th … Fri, Oct 15 18th Street Pier, Dickinson

Be Careful With A Fool

October 1, 2010 7:54 pm

#54 – MsTT (I’ll spare yall the phone book-sized version)….. Suffice to say the Navy Recruiter C.O. here (a true Shamu who likely had not seen 30 seconds of PT in several decades) demanded I present myself for a ‘waivers interview” (presumably based on my criminal tendencies as an 18 yr old)………….. That fat whale of a Captain read me… Read more »

October 1, 2010 7:45 pm

#51 – I think (IMHO) we could definitely add:
Jack Nicholson
Sam Eliot
Richard Boone
perhaps even James Arness (if you could ever ‘dirty him up’ enough)
to the list of possibles………….

October 1, 2010 7:19 pm

I cam home from work today and Mrs. Darren had a printed out map of where she and the family are camped out in Galveston. I’ve rested a bit (so I don’t rest while driving) and I’m headed out soon.

Ya’ll take care. God bless.

October 1, 2010 7:16 pm

bob #66;

Coming November 2nd to a theater near you, starring Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell…

Don’t think they’re capable of being “teabaggers”, do you?

Coming soon (hopefully not) to a California near you.


October 1, 2010 7:09 pm

if I ever find another pair of my ex-wife’s panties, they’re yours.

You will wash them first, won’t you?

October 1, 2010 7:06 pm


Your spreadsheet is looing like a digital code of some sort. 🙂

You’re doing an excellent job!!!

October 1, 2010 6:12 pm

Nice to see you hanging around, Dude. bob, you can buy the Dude a beer, just make sure it isn’t a beer manufactured for the masses. tedtam, you better count me out for 10-10. Our committee will be interviewing another Music Director candidate that weekend. After this, I’m taking a break from committee work for a few years. I can… Read more »

October 1, 2010 4:55 pm

I’m hip, man. I thought everyone used vodka. You, sir, are a pioneer in the field of grain based breakfast products and the consumption thereof!


If you use orange juice and coffee, you can cut your breakfast time in half.

Been working for me for years.

The Dude
October 1, 2010 4:53 pm

As far as I know I’m the only one in Houston that pours milk over his corn flakes.

I’m hip, man. I thought everyone used vodka. You, sir, are a pioneer in the field of grain based breakfast products and the consumption thereof!

The Dude
October 1, 2010 4:51 pm

More sue-happy:

October 1, 2010 4:36 pm

As far as I know, Austin is still the only area taking advantage of that far less expensive option.

As far as I know I’m the only one in Houston that pours milk over his corn flakes.

The Dude
October 1, 2010 4:11 pm

Google’s handy little URL shortener:

There are some Easter eggs in there, for example, if you add .info to the end of the shortened URL you get analytics for it. Haven’t messed with it much yet other than a quick go to see that it works.

I liked that one as a trial run.


October 1, 2010 3:38 pm

Got floor seats at the BB King concert on the 9th, will be staying downtown that evening, so a no-go for me on Sunday.

October 1, 2010 3:15 pm

As the days dwindle down to a scary few (for the Dems) to November 2, let us keep our motivation to encourage a vote in unprecedented numbers. Must realize a crushing defeat for liberalism is merely the first step to taking back our country. The pitchforks must be kept sharp and handy to make corrections as necessary. Trust that conservatives… Read more »

The Dude
October 1, 2010 2:45 pm

I wish I could be there TT, but that weekend I’ll be gone at a Boy Scout function: SHAC Jam. My son is at the age now where we get to do some really cool stuff together. Much as I’d like to meet up with y’all, this is very important to us.

The Dude
October 1, 2010 2:35 pm

#70 bob,

Unfortunately I can’t be there on 10-10 due to prior obligations, but I do appreciate the offer. Hopefully there will be another opportunity in the near future and we can enjoy a beer together then.

October 1, 2010 2:24 pm

#68 Thanks Dude, that’s good to know. If you drop by the LST addicts convention on the 10th, I’d buy you a beer if I could.

October 1, 2010 2:22 pm

67 You forgot the strapped on wings.

The Dude
October 1, 2010 2:18 pm

#63 B42,

The ridiculous nature of the WOD (at least as far as it applies to cannabis sativa) is one area where you and I are pretty well on the same page.