Poem for Jan 22 2010

Today is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Again, my muse has called to me. Unfortunately, I feel this work has been rushed due to my work schedule. I don’t know when I will be able to get back to it, so I am going to publish what I have and hope I can refine it later. I don’t want to leave this day with the image of the millions of babies, trying to make their way to Heaven after being rejected by their mothers. The image of choirs of angels, swooping down to pick up the crying babies and carrying them to Heaven, was the image that came to my mind this morning.

See them marching Heaven-bound

Their little feet so tired from walking,

See the babes not make a sound

Looking upward, never balking

When an angel to them swoops down.

Carrying the babes in their arms,

This legion of angels takes them nigh,

Covering them with angelic charms

And kissing them softly give a sigh,

Carrying them away from further harms.

As the babes are sweetly caressed,

Their fears and pains subside,

Gently to the angels’ bosoms pressed,

Their tiny tears are dried.

Gone forever is their distress.

At the Gates they are set down,

Laid gently down in sight

Of the One with holy crown

Radiant with holy light,

He smiles and laughs and bends down.

Smiling, he embraces them one and all,

And waving, motions them in,

The babes, now smiling, heed the call,

And enter their new home without sin,

Into Heaven, smiling, they crawl.



