China White

Al Gore’s Current Media filed for $100 Million IPO today. No doubt Gorezilla will be using the profits to combat the scourge known as Global Warming by buying carbon credits for his 10,000 square foot mansion. Meanwhile back on earth:

BEIJING, Jan. 29 — Unremitting harsh weather across large parts of the nation has pushed up the human and economic toll as traffic snarls continued ahead of the major holiday.

Snowfall, the worst in five decades in many places, has affected 77.86 million people in 14 provinces in northern, central, eastern and southern China by 2 pm yesterday, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said.

At least 24 people were killed in accidents over two weeks due to snow, sleet and freezing cold, it said, adding that direct economic losses have totaled 22.09 billion yuan ($3.06 billion).

The extreme weather has forced the evacuation of 827,000 people to safer places, damaged 4.22 million hectares of crops, toppled 107,000 houses and damaged 399,000 homes.

In hardest-hit Hunan, 29.15 million people have been affected, including 10 who died. The direct economic loss has exceeded 10.7 billion yuan ($1.48 billion), accounting for nearly half of the country’s total.

Many highways, railways and airports were paralyzed, especially in the east.

The bad weather since Jan 12 has disrupted travel plans of tens of millions heading home to celebrate the Lunar New Year, starting on Feb 7 this year.

Update: Global Warming Causes Bus Plunge!

GUANGZHOU, China — Some of the worst winter weather to hit southern China in decades took 25 more lives Tuesday when a bus plunged off an icy road, adding to the chaos the snow storms have caused during the nation’s peak travel season.



