
I miss the little hands he had,
Which will never touch my nose.
I miss the tiny feet he had,
And his little baby toes!
And the future we would have had together,
Which I destroyed when in my prime,
If only, if only, if only, if only,
I could turn back the hands of time!

Now my arms are empty
When I know they should be full,
My heart cries out for the love
That I answered in ways cruel,
I have made my bed, though sad it is,
The price I pay is grave,
My child that was and is no more!
To a life of regrets I am slave.

Convenience seemed so logical then,
My desire for freedom so burning,
I lived my life without thought
Of how it might be turning,
Now I look back and see the damage
My decisions have horribly wrought,
All the things I would not have done,
Had I given my life more thought!

Oh, my baby, please forgive me!
Your full life lay ahead!
I never had the chance to love you,
I loved myself instead.
What was it that you would have become?
Before I committed this crime!
If only, if only, if only, if only,
I could turn back the hands of time!

Hear me, please, before you decide
To make decisions dear,
Think more than twice before you commit
An action you should fear!
For once done, ‘tis no return
To undo the havoc that you wreak,
Harken my words, for deep is the sorrow
And horror of which I speak.



