Egret Ballet

Sometimes there are moments of grace in your life that just make you stop. I found such a moment of literal grace that made me stop in my tracks.

At times I walk – to get away from my stress, to relax, or to get some exercise. I normally walk the mile to my church and then back to my home. The route is free of unrestrained dogs, and along the way I get to cross a bridge over a bayou and walk the street near the bayou. Fortunately, our bayou is not one of the concreted monstrosities that are seen along certain waterways in our city, but is lined with concrete blocks that allow the grass to grow through. This encourages the local flora and fauna to thrive.

One evening, as I was on the return leg of my journey, I decided to walk along the bayou side of the road and peer over the edge. I stopped in my tracks as I witnessed a moment of real grace in action.

Along the edge of the bayou were three white egrets. These egrets are rather common in our area, and are sometimes called “cowbirds” because they are often found in pastures near cattle. These pure white, long-legged birds were striding slowly and elegantly along the edge of the water. Two of them in front, they set the pace for the one following behind. Their legs moved slowly, almost in unison, and together they dipped their long beaks into the water. Their long, slender necks bent together in a slow cadence, almost like a ballet. After about five feet or so, the back egret would take wing just long enough to leapfrog the others, and would step-step-pause-dip, step-step-pause-dip in the shallow water. Within a few steps, the two front, one back formation would recreate itself, and eventually the back bird would take wing and leapfrog again, landing gracefully, causing nary a ripple. Step-step-pause-dip, step-step-pause-dip. Their long, slender necks bending in unison, standing out in stark contrast to the green grass behind them. Step-step-pause-dip, step-step-pause-dip. The absolute beauty of it all held me in thrall until I could no longer indulge myself and had to tear myself away.

Beauty and grace can be found almost anywhere, as long we keep our eyes open for it. Even along the banks of a rather dirty bayou in the middle of a big city.



